Thursday, April 16, 2009

Jaw clenching and teeth grinding, help!?

After going to the dentists with severe jaw and ear ache it turns out I%26#039;ve been clenching my jaw, and possibly grinding my teeth in my sleep. I was given nurofen to bring down the swelling but this isn%26#039;t going to make the problem go away. What causes it and how can i alleviate it? Thanks

Jaw clenching and teeth grinding, help!?
My Mom wears a mouth guard to stop her from doing that. Your dentist can custom make you one (expensive), or you can go to any sporting goods store and get one (less expensive).
Reply:aks your dentist
Reply:they make these retainers that you wear at night to prevent you from clenching, talk to your dentist about having one made.
Reply:Stress and anxiety are two common causes. Most dentists recommend a dental guard, but I had trouble sleeping with one in my mouth. I got counseling and medication that helped get rid of the anxiety.
Reply:usually they should give u a tooth guard for when you go to bed i thought
Reply:You could be under a high amount of stress. When I suffered from severe jaw pain, I went to my primary doctor and she said I was extremely stressed and under high tension. She prescribed a muscle relaxer to take before bed and it helps me to NOT grind the teeth while I sleep. Might be worth a shot!
Reply:I had TMJ two weeks ago (I, too, thought that I had an ear infection). Luckily, I was leaving for Hawaii the next day...a week on the beach healed me completely! (no joke!)

Try to;s completely stress/tension related.
Reply:try a mouth guard. you can even get them at walmart or your local drug store.

my dog

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